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Weight Loss

We are excited to announce the launch of a new program at Mountain Medical Arts: A 12-week Weight Loss & Health Reset Program designed to help you reach your healthy weight goals and improve your overall health. Focusing on nutritional and lifestyle strategies that are evidence-based not only for weight loss but healing chronic health conditions. Kelly Rothe, DO has spent years writing this program to share with you the tools needed to reach your health goals and sustain them.

The program will be individualized based on your needs and current health status. We’ll help identify and support ways to consume more whole plant foods, limit/avoid processed foods, sugar, and flour, and reduce your intake of animal products like meat, dairy and eggs.

Nutrition has become a very hotly debated topic and it can be very confusing to know who and what to believe. Scientific research over many years has linked a whole food, plant-predominant eating pattern to lower rates of obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. We’ll also address other important lifestyle factors like sleep, stress management, movement/exercise, relationships/social connection, and meaning/purpose.

Visits for this program will be conducted by our new nurse Susan Fish-Cedergren, RN, BSN who is a board-certified Integrative Nurse Coach, certified in Plant-Based Nutrition through E Cornell University and Functional Medicine for Nurses with The Institute for Functional Medicine, each visit is reviewed and signed off by Kelly Rothe, DO before you will be given access to it in your portal.

Jonathan Polgar, PA-C, SEP hosts visits for medical intervention or advice if needed, especially if interested in or already taking the GLP-1 + inhibitors (semaglutide, Ozempic/Wegovy,  Mounjaro/Zepbound, etc.) at home or coming into the office for injections. These drugs can be very effective for weight loss, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess abdominal fat, and elevated cholesterol levels). While they are incredibly helpful for people with endocrine-based weight and inflammation issues, literally making it easier to follow a plan, and thus reducing the shame and guilt around this lifelong challenge which opens up a significant amount of time in each day, we consider the GLP-1 injections a temporary tool to get you to the extended overnight fasting exercise whole food diet you need to maintain your ideal weight and NOT a lifelong weekly option. They have not been on the market long enough for us to know long-term health consequences, so use them wisely.

Jonathan also supports weight loss through sessions in Somatic Experiencing (SE). SE is a therapeutic method that can help release negative life experiences that can get “stuck” in the body. SE can help with weight loss as some of the beliefs that drive our lifestyle choices can be reframed into more positive choices. We also have numerous other practitioners in the area to support your journey and will help you put together the team you need for success.

Call us at the office for more information or schedule a visit to start the program.


Mountain Medical Arts Staff

Mountain Medical Arts uses the best evidence-based, allopathic, osteopathic and integrative medical approaches to deliver comprehensive health care for patients of all ages from birth through life and into the dying process.

Our practice has an in-house lab and can coordinate state-of-the-art skin, urine, salivary and blood testing including allergy/immunology, autoimmune, neuroendocrine, nutritional and toxicity panels for accurate diagnoses and treatment of myraid diseases and assessing wellness.

We also carry and can recommend a variety of nutritional supplements that have been tested for quality and efficacy in the potencies used in clinical trials.

Kelly Rothe, DO

Family Physician